This isn’t the easist thing for me to post, because I was fairly vocal about the position I took on Amazing Selling Machine (“ASM”), but I want to admit that I was wrong.
If you read my earlier post on the subject, you’ll find that I considered the business model to be strong, but I thought that ASM was overpriced. My biggest issue was that Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback’s income claims were so high that, even at $3,500 per member, it would have been more profitable for them to work on their Amazon business rather than sell the course.
I still stand by my analysis, but it’s in the conclusion that I was wrong. There are opportunities to make the same kind of money that Matt and Jason claim with so few products, but these are really outliers. In most cases, members will have to list more products and will make less money – but that’s OK…and it explains Matt and Jason’s motivations for creating the course (consistent with my earlier analysis). BUT, I think I took for granted what I already know about selling on Amazon. While it’s not necessarily difficult, some people just wouldn’t try it without a course like this. The price of admission is high, but even if it results in extra income of $1,000 per month, that’s still a pretty good return on investment.
So, that being said, let me talk a little bit about what drove me to this conclusion. I’ve had ongoing discussions with several members since the course launched, and one of them gave me a little bit of insight in to what was being taught in the course. While I already knew most of this information, I did pick up a few tips that were helpful. However, the most impactful thing was that it motivated me to try launching a new product in a systemized manner. I’ve launched a couple of new products over the last year, and while some have done pretty well, I didn’t always implement what I knew was best practice.
I’m not sure why I did this, but I suppose I just thought my listings were “good enough”. Well, after taking some of these new tips in to consideration and making a concerted effort to follow a plan, I launched a new product. It’s been live on Amazon for a little less than a month and I’ve sold about $4,500 worth during this time. It could have been significantly more, but I understimated sales and was out of stock for almost half the month.
Now, $4,500 in sales in nothing to write home about when you take costs into account, but it’s not bad. This should hopefully also grow over time as my product gets more reviews and I follow the system to add more products.
I’ve ended up partnering with an existing member to get formal access to the course.
So, I’m formally changing my recommendaton about Amazing Selling Machine IF you can afford it. Granted, the membership is closed right now, so you couldn’t even buy it if you wanted to, but I thought it was only fair that I publicly acknowledge my change in position.