Once again, I apologize for not being more active with this website. My Amazon business continues to do very well, so that has been my primary focus these days.
While the real impact on my business occurred in June 2013 when I launched a new product following the strategies of the Amazing Selling Machine (ASM), the real catalyst was just about a year ago in March 2013 when I first became aware of ASM. Even though I started out recommending against the course for being overpriced, I ultimately became a pretty staunch supporter after experiencing results myself. I was publicly sharing my results during this time, and every so often I still get people messaging me to find out if I’m still doing as well. So, since ASM is going to be made available again in a few weeks, I thought this would be a good time to give a public update on my business.
==== Update March 15th, 2014 ====
I hit $100k for the first time, almost one year to the day that ASM first launched in March 2013.
==== End Update ====

Amazon wires payment to my bank account every two weeks. My last payment on February 28th was for more than $33,000.

Here’s a snapshot of my sales growth (click to enlarge) over the last year, totaling more than $620,000. About $587,000 (95%) was generated in the eight months since my ASM product launched in June 2013.
The last screenshot can be a little misleading because it includes shipping revenue, but I’m still on track to sell more than $1 million in 2014. Now, I’m not posting this to brag, but I think this is the best way to exhibit what’s possible. I’ll be upfront and tell you that my motivation is as an affiliate of the course, so I would make a commission anytime someone purchases through my affiliate link. However, that being said, I wouldn’t be recommending it if I didn’t also believe in the business model.
Now, I will be promoting the course again in April, but I intentionally didn’t include any affiliate links or any information about my bonuses in this post as a gesture of sincerity. My goal here is simply to make myself available as a resource for information.
I previously had a separate Facebook group where I welcomed unfiltered questions about the course, but I had to take it down because it was causing confusion as some people thought it was an official group for the course. But I’d like to continue welcoming all your questions.
The one advantage I have as an affiliate is I make a lot of money actually running an Amazon business, so I don’t need to bullshit people into buying Amazing Selling Machine just so I can receive a commission. It’s great to make money, but I don’t want to do it unless I really feel like I’m helping someone.
In fact, as much as I stand behind the course, I still don’t believe it’s right for everyone. You will need startup money in order to buy inventory and properly launch a product, and there is no guarantee your first product will be a success. If you don’t have enough capital to comfortably get started, I’d suggest you don’t buy the course (at least not through me).
One last thing – if you’re reading this post as part of your research stage, be wary of people’s motivations. It’s easy to understand why an affiliate will recommend the course, but there are also some people who will recommend against it, only to pitch another product. I saw this happen a few times during the last launch, most notably with Jordan Malik and Josh Belanger on the Warrior Forum (FYI – my username is “panorama”). Both of them used the launch as an opportunity to make money in other ways, so just be aware of any conflicts of interest while doing your research.
Anyway, that’s it for today. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.